Can I be of help?
In all of creation that was said to be good in Genesis 1, there was one thing that was not.
I love this woman and how she steps in to speak into King David’s path. Who’s an Abigail in your life and who are you an Abigail to? Boldly and lovingly approaching someone with helpful truth and guidance. Sometimes the very thing we need saved from is ourselves and the path we are headed down, in need of someone confronting us.
A woman who choose to boldly step out on behalf of others as she was sovereignly placed in a position in a specific physical place and time in history, “for such a time as this”. You are placed in a specific place and time with purpose, Acts 17:26-27, don’t waste that but keep your eyes up on the harvest.
Not only was this woman an incredible wife and mother but you find her being a helper to others and those around her. All of her doings involved others – whether that is her husband, her kids, the needy, or those seeking her out. She speaks words of wisdom. She is trusted by others to give sound advice. (31:26)
Rom 16:3-4 – sacrificially gave of themselves at the risk of their comfort, time, and lives.
These women could only train, teach, and urge the younger women by living by example and inviting them in.
No matter our age or season we are to set an example for other believers in our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Not to neglect our gift. We have a gift of whatever season we are and our spiritual gifts - both to be used for the good and growth of others.
The Word disciples us (teach, reproof, correct, and train) and we get to disciple each other by doing these same things, lived out in or lives by coming alongside each other.
Posted in: on Saturday, May 24, 2014 at 0 comments