Responsive Writing

Have you ever closed the pages of the Bible and wonder, well what am I to do with that or already forget what you just read? Been there and we often will if we don’t take intention to interact with the very living Word of God. 

As we examine the scriptures, may we respond to its examining of us.

What makes a conversation? Interaction. Responses. Yes there are many things said through non-verbal communication but dialogue makes life giving conversation. God is sharing His very heart with you on these pages and we often walk away silent without responding to His very words. 

I have found what I call responsive writing to be just one way I love to spend time in the Word. It has been revealing, life giving, and moments of great refinement in my life. 

You don’t have to be a writer to interact with the Word in this way so don’t shy away from it.

In our hurried days, slow down, deal with the Word, chew on it, process it, and respond. 

There are no wasted words in Scripture, just hurried readers of Scripture.” C.J. Mahaney

I’m a quality time person. I need time to slow down and just be with a person. To share what we are learning, growing in, struggling with. There’s no set amount of time or frequency to it. This doesn’t have to be every day. But find time maybe once a week to really slow down and respond to scripture and you’ll begin to hunger for more.

"Visit many good books, but live in the Bible." Charles Spurgeon

Take time maybe in one chapter, or just a few verses and try responding by journaling through these, but first start by simply praying Psalm 119:18 “Open my eyes to the wonderful truths in your law.”

What do you learn about the Lord - His attributes and activities? About yourself?

A friend of mine said something so true: “Knowing the Bible is one thing, knowing the Author is another. The book is even sweeter when you know the Author.” Perspective often comes from knowing who God is, His attributes and activities.

What examining of yourself is stirring in response to the text?

2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that all scripture is God-breathed and useful to teach, reproof, correct, and train. Teach (show you God’s path), reproof (show you when you’re off), correct (show you how to get back on) and train (show you how to stay on). 
Personalize and process what the words have for you and your life. Turn the verses to questions of your life and write a response to them.

Are there any word pictures in these verses that help bring clarity or deeper understanding to the chapter? 

God used specific word pictures drawn from the things around the audiences eyes and experience. We are each gifted uniquely with perceptions. What picture do you envision from the words read? Any pictures used in the text you are drawn to?

You may not walk away with much response every time, but keep at it. He breathed life not only into you and me, but also in these very Words to give us life through them. Linger there in His words, in His presence. 

I have found this to be such a great training ground to go to the Lord first and process with Him rather than running to someone or something. There’s something about pen meeting paper; responding to scripture personally, intimately and with authenticity. 

As we examine the scriptures, may we respond to its examining of us.